Minggu, 03 Maret 2019

How to get rid of acne scars with lemon juice and honey enhancing your skin is really a commitment you have to make. it is very common that acne leaves scars behind and they look really bad on the. How to use lemon juice to lessen acne and heal acne scars. in this article: how can i get rid of acne with lemon juice and honey? wikihow contributor. community answer. use half lemon and half water, mix it and put on face, wait 20 minutes and wash off with warm water. with honey, you can just lather it on your face, and do the same.. Inspite of spending on those costly creams or pills you can make use of lemon and get rid of acne problems. the anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of lemon help in destroying the bacteria and get rid of acne. there are 6 methods mentioned below that are helpful in treating acne and acne scars..

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Repeat regularly to get rid of acne. 3. lemon juice with honey. the antibacterial properties of honey fight with the bacteria causing acne. it soothes the redness, irritation, and inflammation. process 1: wash your face and take a steam or dip a clean cloth in warm water and place it on the face. extract juice from half lemon and add a teaspoon. Diy: honey lemon face mask tiffany darlyn. how to get rid of pimples and acne!!! - duration: 9:11. lemon honey face mask for scars, acne and dark spots. 7 effective ways to get rid of acne with honey by beatuy epic on october 11, 2018 on acne , skin care acnes are a result of oil trapped beneath the skin which allows the bacteria to thrive in it..

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